“Cost-effective and technically sophisticated bioenergy systems are the future of our energy supply.
Repotec is the partner for implementing biomass plants in all sizes.”

DI Christian Aichernig, Managing Director

Repotec - Full capacity for advanced solutions


Full capacity
for advanced solutions


Economic efficiency
as the top priority


through research

Research & Development

Quality through experience

Repotec boasts a long-standing and successful track record in plant engineering and construction. The extensive experience of our technicians allows it to handle even complex and major projects successfully.

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Awards for Repotec

Watt d’Or
Watt d’Or
"Best Energy Project“ Award for best energy projects awarded by the Swiss Federal Office
Schweighofer Prize
Schweighofer Prize
"For marking a milestone in the history of renewable energy from wood…“ Schweighofer Prize European Innovation Award for Forestry, Wood Technology and Timber Products
Energy Globe Award
Energy Globe Award
"World's first industrial production of methane from wood“ Energy Globe Award Burgenland National Award for sustainable projects that use renewable energy and resources sparingly and carefully